Packaging Unusual Shapes

Packaging goods with odd shapes is done using regular shapes that most closely match the dimensions of the object. A football is packaged in a rectangular prism, whose height and width match that of the football's height and diameter. This creates the least extra space possible. The prism is also not whole, so less packaging needs to be used.

Boomerangs are not generally packaged in boxes, because their shape is unappealing to regular polygons (this is the smartest packaging of all, because there is no cost of packaging, save a thin sheet of plastic).
Coat hangers are packaged in rectangular prisms without a top or bottom (essentially a piece of cardboard wrapped around the hangers). The width of the cardboard is the same as the width of the stack of hangers, creating the least extra space possible.

Tennis balls are packaged in cylindrical cases, whose diameter equals the diameter of the balls, and whose height equals the diameters of the balls multiplied by the number of balls. This only leaves extra space in the few areas between the curves of the balls. Packaging odd shapes is always about creating the least amount of extra space possible.